Genealogical collection (EN)

Hungarian version here

Introduction – the purpose of the site

On this page we want to create a collection site and database for family trees of Várpalota, as well as to gather tools and information that can help family tree research. We welcome to the library your family photos, photo albums or family records that you want to preserve for eternity. We professionally process, store and preserve these for descendants or those who are interested in local history under certain conditions. We know that in many cases these documents contain confidental data and information, so we follow strict rules when storing and researching them.

The family history documents in our collection are available on this page

Help us to preserve not only the documents of the city’s buildings and written history, but also the history of the families for prosperity.
Please contact us and inquire about how you can transfer your own family information to the city library for safekeeping!
Write to the

e–mail address or call 88/592-060.

Events registered in the city registers

from the beginning – according to our plans - until the middle of the XX. century... Available here

The best literature we recommend for family tree research


József Berkes: Information for family history research (HU)
A short version of József Berkes’s book (HU)
Entry of “BékésWiki” Family tree research (Last update: 2014. Febr. 7!) (HU)
Facebook group of MACSE (professional literature, excipients etc.) (HU)


Ilona Ari: In a small booklet great help for family search (It can be borrowed from us) (HU)
Description of the book on the homepage of MACSE (HU)


Remembrance of the professionals employed in the coal mining plants in Várpalota (online) (HU)
István Szabó: The formation of the names of serfs (online) (HU)
Meaning of relationship, names of relatives (Wikipédia) (HU)
Ágnes Boreczki: Family history, mobility and schooling In School culture 2002. 3. numb.
p.60 - 68 (online) (HU)
Ballabás: The social division of the Hungarian nobility (16 – 20. Century) (PDF) (online) (HU)

Websites with the largest databases

Hungarian family history research association (MACSE) (partly subscription) (HU)
Familysearch databases and family tree making program (The page of the”mormon” church)
Free registration is required to access the pages (EN)

Public registers (image files 1895 – 1980) (EN)
Várpalota (EN)
Inota (Veszprém) (EN)
Inota (Fejér) (EN)
Pétfürdő (Halottak 1950 – 1975)  (EN)
Online registers of the Lutheran Church of Várpalota (Married, dead 1735 – 1895) (EN)
Online registers of the Reformed Church of Várpalota (Baptized, married, dead 1744 – 1784; 1837 – 1895) (EN)
Online registers of the Chatolic Church of Várpalota (Baptized 1825 – 1860, Baptized 1861 – 1895) (EN)
Military registry 1866 ( Várpalota, Auxiliary Command) List of those born in 1845 (EN)
Reformed Church of Inota (Baptized, married, dead 1816 . 1895) (EN)

Databases of Hungarian National Archives (Behind the records describing the documents, there is usually no digitized document) (HU)
Database “Hungaricana” Within that especially (HU):

Landlord regulations and censuses (MNL U et C, E 156) (HU)
Landlord tables (1767) (HU)

Database of Arcanum ADT Plus especially documents published under the heading “Family history, local history” (can be use with a subscription) HU

Search for ancestors - Registers of the Hungarian Lutheran Church (can be use with a subscription) (HU)

Digital census database (KSH) (HU)

Directory: Commercial, industrial and agricultural directory of Hungary Bp. 1931. (HU)

Várpalota,(1931) (HU)
Inota, (1931) (HU)

Results found while searching for “Family history” in repertoire of Hungarian periodicals (HU)

Here we only recommend programs that also use the Hungarian language


“Animare” - free family tree making program (A site that has moved from a community
portal called “I was here” (HU)
Family tree making program of “Familysearch” ( We cannot upload finished family tree to it,
does not use the standard “gedcom”) (EN)
Myheritage (Uploading only 250 personal data is free for online use, many times they
incorrectly load the page, nowadays. There is also an offline version of this!) (HU)


Ahnenblatt (You worth downloading a portable version of the program that you can store on
a flash drive. On the Compagen blog you can read the last name trick to reverse the first
name.) (EN)
Myheritage (You can upload an unlimited number of people in the offline version of the site,
if you subscribe, you can easily update the online version without having to consider the 250
person limit.) (HU)

Slides made by the people giving the lecture with us

I. Hajnalka Vörös Márkusné: New opportunities for family tree research in the
Veszprém County Archives
II. Ferenc Kégli: From printed/digitized sources to publication (HU)

III. András Hirschler: Family tree research sitting in armchair, or practical information for lazy researchers (HU) 

IV.József Németh: Activity and databases of MACSE, with particular reference to paid databases and indexing (HU)

V. Ilona Ari: Data collection, systematization and recording practices with particular reference to popular family tree – making programs (HU)

VI. László Budai: My own experienece with free family tree – making programs (HU)

VII. László Budai: Practical tools for family research for people of Várpalota and their design and use (HU)

VIII. Zsuzsanna Darnai: From family tree research to publication. (The experiences of the author of the book “Descendants of noble castle serfs”) (HU)

IX. Eszter Domján - Koncz: How the lives of our ancestors affect our behaviour today? Transgeneration patterns in the families (HU)

Stories and family trees of Várpalota - affiliated families


András Hirschler’s family history website (branch of Várpalota, the Palotays) (HU)
Ferenc Kégli’s family history website (our brief description) (HU)
The story of the Szabadi family (Béla Kempelen: Hungarian noble families) (HU)
The website of the Szelestey family (From György Thury to László Szelestey the painter) (HU)
János Pilinszky (Is he the descendant of György Thury? - Endre CZEIZEL: Evaluating János Pilinszky’s family tree = Contemporary 44. 2000. 5. 85 – 97.) (HU)
Zsuzsanna Darnai’s family tree (Website Animare) (A few names of the family tree: Darnai, Harn, Patonai, Lyánka, Menyhárt, Csapó, etc.) (HU)
Family tree of a Várpalota shoemaker named József Selmeczi (1886) (Animare website, this was compiled by Gábor Stiegler) (HU)
István Fülöp’s (1888 – 1930) family tree ( (A few names of the family tree: Magyarossy, Bus, Nagy, Mórocz, Kozma, etc.) (HU)
Ferenc Rákóczy’s (1913 – 1989) family tree ( ( A few names of the family tree: Fülöp, Magyarossy, Bus, Nagy, Mórocz, Pap, etc.) (HU)
Horváth family from Takácsi, with a Lutheran family branch in Várpalota (HU)


Károly Borbás: Gold family (HU)
Károly Borbás: János Szabó wheel master (HU)
Zsuzsanna Darnai: Descendants of noble castle serfs (2015) (HU)

Sára Fodor Pacsuné (Mrs. Gergely Pacsu): Memories of descendants and of others in Várpalota to their ancestors who fought in 1848 (HU)
Sára Fodor Pacsuné: Wool refineries in Palota (HU)

Sára Fodor Pacsuné: Lime burnings in Palota (HU)
Sára Fodor Pacsuné: Lime burnings in Palota I. (Manuscript) (HU)
Sára Fodor Pacsuné: Lime burnings in Palota II. (Manuscript) (HU)
Sára Fodor Pacsuné: Lajos Nagy manorial servant and his descendants (1990) (Additions to Réti’s sheer XXth century history) (HU)

  • (Scanned version available online here) (HU)

Sára Fodor Pacsuné: An old family of Várpalota, the Bátor family (2004) (HU)
Sára Fodor Pacsuné:(Sári Fodor): The life of shoemaker Imre Németh (1990) (HU)

  • (Scanned version available online here) (HU)

Sára Fodor Pacsuné: Slipper makers in Várpalota (HU)

Names, censuses - Várpalota, Inota

Names, censuses - Várpalota (from the XVI.century to the XIX.) (HU)

Names, censuses - Inota (from the XVI. Century to the XIX.) (HU)

Wool refineries in Palota (A part of this: registry entries relating to wool refineries in Várpalota) (HU)

A list of Várpalota and Inota soldiers who fought in World War I. (This is not a complete list) (HU)

Diary of the members of The Hungarian Red Cross in Várpalota from 1963 (PDF) (HU)

List of artisans 1986. Jan. 18. (Minute – book of the April 1986 City Council of Várpalota. The last two in PDF file.) (HU)

Cadastral maps and the estate maps, land registers

Digitized documents in the collection of our library:

Cadastral map of Várpalota (1925) (With the names of the owners of the outlying areas) (HU)

Cadastral map of Inota (1882) (With the names of the owners of the outlying areas) (HU)

Suggested forums

Continuation of János Bogárdi’s mailing list on the “Radixindex” (Its archive here) (HU)
Family tree research (Index forum) (HU)
Familysearch forum (Index forum) (HU)

Suggested facebook - groups

A Facebook page called Help with family tree research (HU) that connect family tree researchers of ancestors from the same settlement. This makes it easier for them to find common ancestors or find someone who has alredy researched one of their family branches. Várpalota - affiliated groups:

  • Várpalota - affiliated families (Network of family trees Várpalota named) closed group on facebook (HU)
    • Current names:
      János Hankóczy: He may have come to Várpalota from the Highlands as a manorial accountant. His wife is Terézia Miltz. Their wedding was probably before 1833.
      Ambrus Hankóczy /doctor, surgeon/ - Terézia Váber
      Miklós Hankóczy - ?
      Mária Terézia Hankóczy - ?
      Sándor Hankóczy /court judge/ - Lilla Ágoston
      Eduárd Hankóczy /pharmacist/ - Berta Patay, Irma Patay
      József Hankóczy / manorial “ispán” (leader) “Bormász”/ - Hermina Baur
      János Hankóczy - he was ordained a priest
      Ferenc Hernádi (Hinterhuttner) - Krisztina Herczog
      György Budai and Terézia Mórocz
      László Budai and Julianna Molnár (Fang)
      János Fülöp and Katalin Soós
      István Kökény and Eörse Kovács
      János Kökény and Susánna Mórotz
      József Kökény and Terézia Budai
      József Kökény and Julianna Soós
      József Molnár and Katalin Simon
      József Molnár and Anna Závori
      Mihály Molnár and Anna Kökény
      Pál Molnár and Sára Kertész
      Pál Mórotz and Susánna Nagy
      István Sipos and Susánna György
      István Sipos and Éva Varsányi Kováts
      Imre Soós and Erzsébet Sipos
      János Soós and Éva Miskei
      Pál Soós and Katalin Sipos
      Sámuel Soós and Rozália Fülöp
      Pál Závori and Terézia Hanik
  • Inota – affiliated families: (Network of family trees named) closed group on facebook (HU)
    • Current names:
      György Borsó and Erzsébet Farkas
      Ferenc Farkas and Zsuzsanna Kis
      István Varga and Lídia Borsó
      Julianna Varga
      János Presszer (older) - and Rozália Kisfaludy Füzy (1821 – 1907)
      János Presszer (younger)
      Antal Presszer
      Károly Presszer (from 1911: Gáspár) (1860 – 1929 - Terézia Csöppenszky (1868 – 1954)
      György Budai and Terézia Mórocz
      István Budai and Julianna Erdélyi
      János Budai and Ersébeth Berta
      László Budai and Julianna (Molnár) Fang
      József Kökény and Terézia Budai
      Mihály Molnár and Anna Kökény
  • Closed group for those researching the name Mórocz/Mórotz/Móricz/Móritz (HU)
  • MACSE’s table company in Balatonfüred - closed group (HU)
  • Family tree reaserchears ( – closed group (HU)
  • Hungary Exchange – Hungarian Genealogy  closed group (EN)
  • Family tree research and summoning the past indefinitelyclosed group (HU)

Zoltán Pajor’s family research, names by settlement:

Csákvár: Szita, Szomor, Pajor, Varga, Minárik
Hajmáskér: Istenes
Ölbő: Kóbor
Jásd: Sturm, Freund, Jencski, Rábel, Helt
Pákozd: Pajor, Béd, Szűcs, Rúzsa, Bodor
Sukoró: Dénes, Krencz
Tés: Mazák, Gáspár, Hegedűs, Lénárt, Rotter, Rigner, Prozonics, Sarkament, Táll, Taál, Freund
Várpalota: Pajor, Márcsik, Mészáros, Mazák, Balogh

Those interested can request the contact of Zoltán Pajor in the library

Attila Szabó’s family tree research, surnames

Around Várpalota: Bozsoki (or Bosoky, Bosóky, Bosoki, Bozsóky, Bosóky)
Pál Nagy - Éva Szekeres couple from Lázi ( Győr - Moson – Sopron county), who migrated to Tés after 1740
Bus or Bús, and Kozma families from Fehérvárcsurgó (early 1700)

Compiled by László Budai